Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day


I know that not everyone agrees on the candidate and people are very dedicated to there choice of candidate. I myself am 100% behind McCain and I hope that he can pull it off and be named the 44th president of the United States tonight.

I did look at Obama and was coincedering voting for him, however, I found that what he said was great but what went unsaid was not. For example he talks about raising taxes for the people who make over $200,000 a yr, while that sounds good but realisticly it will also make us lower and middle class people pay more in taxes, it has always worked that way. The lower taxes the rich pay, the lower we pay. The higher the rich pay, the higher we pay. Also he talks about raising taxes on the large buisness and lowering those on the small buisnesses. Well he does that and it is going to make us pay more for the things we need so we will be unable to shop at the small buisness shops. Think about the reality people. His short erm plan is great, but he has no long term plan and that is what we need is a long term plan. He wants to turn programs over to be government run (ex. Healthcare), well the government is not doing a great job with what it is controling now (ex. Social Security). So why would we want then to ruin even more programs???

McCain has an great long term plan and that to me is really improtant. He is also not trying to strip our right away, ex. the right to own guns. He has a great healthcare plan, education plan and plans to not raise taxes.

As far as history it has shown that democrats raise taxes in one form or another (typically going back to raising taxes for the rich, which therefore makes us pay more) and Republicans have lowered our taxes.

I just hope that when Americans go to the polls today they make the right choice.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Teddy Grahams Trail Mix

I posted this both places I blog at.
If you have kids and are looking for Healthy snacks for them then you should try the Teddy Graham's Trail Mix. They come in 2 great flavors Bears & Bees and Bears & Cheese Crackers. Even my husband and I really enjoy them. They have 0 Trans Fat, 0 Cholesterol and Low Saturated Fat.

Kids and Adults will enjoy this healthy snack.

The following is just to tell about our conversation.

1. Log on to chatthreads.com
2. Enter the Conversation ID: 101 833 2115
3. Tell them about your conversation and learn how you can have chatthreads donate up to $5 to charity or enter to win $500 in Amazon.com gift certificates.
4. Pass this information along when you tell someone about Teddy Grahams Trail Mix.

**I am a buzz agent and tried this product personally. To learn how to become a buzzagent log onto buzzagent.com and tell them buzzagent LeslieMc sent you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Glade Flamless Candle

I am a buzz agent and I am trying out the Glade Flamless Candle. I absolutly love this product. The frosted glass of the holder fits with any decor andeven when the candle part is not on it still lets out scents by little wiffs. I have been using the fresh linen and everytime I walk in the room it smells like freshly done laundry. I love the smell and it just makes my whole room smell fresh. They have several scents to try. There is no need to worry about messy hot wax or flames that if knocked over can cause a fire. This is the ultimate candle flameless and great scented.

I would suggest everyone go out and buy one.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kirtsy, the blog

If you have ever heard of sk*rt then they are now known as Kirtsy. Check them out. They have some great blogs and they have a lot of great give aways. Check this blog out and it will tell you about there current on http://kirtsy.com/blog/?p=234.

I have been reaading some of the blogs this morning as this is a new blog to me. So I have been kind of going thru and checking it out and it is very entertaining. Check it out sometime.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


OK, I know y'all are probably sitting there going 'Barbie what in the hell.'
So let me explain, I have a almost 6 yo daughter. And just last yr for her 5Th birthday she got her first Barbie. Well she had some Barbie's but they were the ones from my childhood that I had saved. Yes I am a pack rat and am proud of it. No seriously I knew one day I would have a little girl to pass them on to.

So for now we will call my Barbie's that I passed on to my daughter as 'The real deal'
So you are probably wondering 'OK what in hell' again.

OK so back to buying my daughter her first barbie. So I tell my hubby go to Walmart and get a barbie make sure she is pretty because they really have some ugly looking Barbie's now and I don't want my child to get an ugly barbie. LOL I now I now I am a bit strange but anyhow. So he get Beach Barbie, in her bikini and heart tattoo on her tummy. She has a very pretty face, but I am looking at this doll going, now if this dolls face don't look like a man's face and look at those huge feet we will NEVER find shoes to fit this doll. My husband thinks I am crazy by this which OK he may be a little right but whatever. So I wrap it up.

So now my daughter opens the gift, not very excited about the Barbie, she is a tom boy and would rather have a train or cars & trucks. What can I say, I was kinda like that myself. Anyhow back to the Barbie, so later on I am removing the ten million gifts from there packages, they make the damn packages adult proof now, that it takes 30 mins to get one $10 doll out of the package. So anyhow, I get to the doll and I finally get her out and OK so I have to peek. I have to know if they still make it look like the doll has on panties when they have no clothes on seeings how I just know for some strange reason that I am going to find naked barbie dolls everywhere. I really am not sure why I knew this, I just did ;-) OK so maybe I knew because that is what I always did with my Barbie's, striped them naked and left them wherever, poor barbie. Oh well.
So to my surprise, this doll has what looks like a nice size package. I mean it is really bigger then what Ken has. So I look at my hubby and say, "You bought out daughter a Transvestite Barbie." My hubby nearly falls in the floor with laughter and then he says "You just had to look didn't you."

So fast forward to tonight, I am cleaning my daughters room for the ten millionth time over the past year and I am getting all her naked Barbie's dressed. I couldn't find the bathing suit for this particular barbie and so I an trying to dress it in pants but her hips and butt are to damn big and the pants want go up past her hips. So I finally find a dress that fits this doll over her wide chest, by the way this barbie barely has tits, she is very much flat chested but she has wide shoulders. So this dress comes barely past her butt, so I bring her to show my hubby and cousin and I am like, "OK I know that they wanted to make barbies more realistic but come on did they really have to make her a transvestite?" (No offence to the Tranies out there, I love you guys really) Then I say "I am not sure what is worse, they make the dress so damn short that she is gonna bend over and everyone is going to see her gonads." My cousin is asking my hubby what I am smoking and why I ain't sharing at this point. So I said "let me make a point," and I go get one of my barbies and I stand them side by side and said they made this one huge she towers my barbie by a head and that barbie is flatfooted and mine is on her tiptoes (for the heels). So I continue going on about they now make transvestite tramp barbies who can just bend over and be ready.

So I want to know a few things:

1~ when did the designer of the 'real deal' go to making cheap knock of barbies (because they are more like the real thing now in stead of those cheap plastic things that don't bend any direction.)

2~ Where did they find whoever is making the new Barbie's
and lastly

3~ since when has it been decided that Tranies were the real women that they want to model barbie after. what about us BBW women?

But I really don't mind, I just found it humorous. And I just want them to make the new barbies clothes that actually fit and shoes too :-) And I really do love Tranies, I have a good friend who is and I love him to pieces. You know who you are and I love you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Celebrity Cafe

The Celebrity Cafe is the internet's longest running entertainment magazine. They have a ton of contest every month. People actually win there to. I just won a prize from them. I am pretty stocked. There is no limit to how many you enter and you can enter once a day. Go check it out. You can click on the title of this blog and it will take you there.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Buzz Post

I had heard of Scrubbing Bubbles® Automatic Shower Cleaner when I got the chance to join the campaign thru being a Buzz Agent. Anyhow I took the opritunity to join because I had just bought my first one, I hadn't even put it up when I got the email with the oppritunity to join. i did not know that they had a new one that had a dual spray to reach those hard to get areas, you know the corner and edges that you just can not get too. Well they do, the one I had just purchased did not have this. So I went ahead and put the one I had bought up and in jut a few days my shower was beginning to look 100% better. Know I hate cleaning the bathroom, infact it is always the thing that I put off, besides makeing sure that everything is straight. I really only clean it when someone is coming over. This helps me out tremendiously because I do not have to clean my shower, I just hit the button on the automatic cleaner when I am getting out the shower and presto it does the dirty work for me. I love it. I would recommend everyone go out and get one for you shower.

The first five people to leave me a comment about this post I will send a coupon for $5.00 off a Scrubbing Bubbles® Automatic Shower Cleaner.

The Track Shack

I am a Buzz Agent and I get to sample products and give my opinions on them I really enjoy it. It is easy to join. But I will talk about that later.

Right now I want to tell all of you about The Track Shack. It is a wonderful place for musicians to join and be heard. Just click on the title and it will take you to the site. It is very easy to surf the site and for those of you whom are not musicians, singers ect. you can go and buy some great music to support up and coming musicians. They have all sorts of music from acoustic to rock and everything in between. You can purchase music if you are a fan and uplaod music for the fans to buy if you are a musician. I highly recommend this site to all musicians and music lovers.

I have a great deal for musicians whom would like to join The Track Shack to save $10.00 off the registration fee. Normally it is $24.99, now you can join for $14.99, it is a one time fee. Use the promo code TTS00308 Expires July 1, 2008.

Go check it out today. Remember to click the title to take you to The Track Shack website.

I am listening to there streaming radio station and have heard a LOT of great music.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh Brother Where Art Thou

So I talked to my dad tonight and was able to get some more info from him. My brother whom is a Jr was born June 28th or 29th of 1978, not 1977. He was born in Toledo Ohio and not Colorado like my mother had told me. And I know his mother's name. My dad also said that the last he knew that he lived in Michigan but it had been a while so he could have moved. The person I found does not live in Michigan but still I thought it was worth a shot. So we will see.

So with this new info I have found one person on myspace that is a possibility so I sent him a message and am hoping that maybe he will message me back. So wish me luck. If it is not him then I will continue my search.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Looking for someone

OK, so some of you know that I did not talk to my dad for the first time till I was 15 yo, then I didn't meet him till I was 19 yo. Which I also meet my older sister when I was 19. So I have one other sibling, a brother, whom is younger than me. I have not met him, in fact my dad does not even know where he is.

Well I asked my dad if it was ok for me to search for this brother and he said yes that he would also like to contact him. So I turn to the internet, thinking it want be hard to find him online. I mean some of my friends from the past had found me this way and ect. So here I am looking and looking and coming up with zilch. I mean it shouldn't be hard, but I guess he may not want to be found. So I start by checking facebook and myspace and still nothing.

I don't care if he doesn't want anything to do with our dad, it took me a long time to get to where we are today. I think that he has changed and wants to be there for his children. But I know that my brother doesn't know that and of course there is no telling what his mother has told him about our father.

But I know a little bit about him like he was born around my birthday, I always heard it was June 26, my dad said it was something like that it is somewhere between the 24th and 28th. I know that he was born in 1977 (I was born in 76) and his name is Larry Jr.

So now to find this mystery brother. I however am not going to give up and I really hope to meet him one day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mom Faces Trial for Leaving Child in Car

So I read this article about this mother in Ill. whom left her 2 yr old daughter in a warm running locked alarmed vehicle to take her older daughter and her friend to the Salvation Army Santa in front of a Walmart less than 10 ft away. She could see her vehicle the entire time and she was only out of the vehicle, while it was sleeting out, for just a couple moments. Yet she gets arrested for child endangerment. To read the article just click the title above and it will take you to the link.

I thought I would share my thoughts on this.

First I do not beleive that she endangered her child at all. I think that the particular police officer was just being a dick. Honestly I have left my child alone in a vehicle several times to just step out a couple feet away, I could always see the vehicle.

Yes something terrible happened one time but it turned out ok. I felt terrible and frightened when it happened but I learned from it. The police officers in my case were wonderful and informed me that I could have been charged but because the outcome was a good one and nothing happened to my daughter that they were not going to press charges against me. So I do know the dangers of it and I do know what can happen. In my case I was leaving work and I had to block the drive so I got out of my van to block the drive and 2 guys walked up out of no where. They went to get my purse I hollered at them and one guy jumped in and took off just to get my purse, he had no idea that my daughter was in the vehicle. He just drove my van to the apartment complex he stayed at just a few streets back, took the keys and my purse and fled, the cops found it within minutes. Only because they knew where to look. My daughter was really young so she doesn't even remember it.

I do not beleive this women should be charged for child endangerment and I surely can understand not wanting to take her 2 yr old sleeping child out of the warm vehicle into the cold and sleeting conditions for a couple of minutes. She was only a few feet away and could see the vehicle the whole time. I can understand if she had parked in a parking space way in the back and went into the store shopping then yes she should be charged with child endangerment, but that was not the case and I think the cop in the situation just get a wild hair up his a$$ and wanted to be a dick about the whole thing. I feel bad for the mother in all of this.

There are million of moms whom do the same sort of thing everyday. I have seen ppl park there car and go into a store (conveniant, grocery and department, even malls) and leave there children sitting in the car. That is child endangerment because they can not see their children and anything can happen. And yet they do not get arrested. I even see cops see this and do nothing about it. I have sat in my vehicle and watched kids in another vehicle because there was no adult present with them. I will sit until I see the parent come back to the car. I have never said anything to these parents but maybe I should.

I see mothers leave there kids in the car while simply going a couple feet to pick up there child from school, but they can see the car the entire time and it is secured while they are out of the vehicle.

Basicly I think this mother is being wrongly subjected to police nonscence. I hope the they find her not guilty of child endangerment. I am behind this mother 100%.

BTW: I know of a case here in Va where a father (a paster of a church) whom left his child in his suv for eight hours and she died and he didn't get any jail time. Now that should have gotten him put in jail for child endangerment. Read the story here: http://www.kidsandcars.org/incidents/heat/news/Pastorleftdaughterincar.html

Anyhow again I do not beleive that this mother should be found guilty of child endangerment.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Funny Email I got

Have you ever been guilty of looking at others you own age and thinking, "Surely I can't look that old." Well, You'll love this one. Surely, it hasn't happened to you! My name is Jennifer Grand, and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his DDS diploma, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class 40 years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then? Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haire d man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate. After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High School. "Yes. Yes, I did. I'm a Mustang," he gleamed with pride. "When did you graduate?" I asked. He answered, "in 1967. Why do you ask?" "You were in my class!" I exclaimed. He looked at me closely. Then that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled, fat a#!, gray-haired, decrepit son-of-b&#!* asked, "What did you teach?"


Another email I received, it is quite finny. I hope you enjoy!

The next time someone asks you a dumb question, wouldn't you like to respond like this?.....

Yesterday I was buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my dog at Wal-Mart and was about to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had?
So, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, and that I was starting the Purina Diet again. Although I probably shouldn't, because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.
I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story.)
Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food had poisoned me. I told her oh no; I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish setter's butt and a car hit me.
I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack, he was laughing so hard!
WAL-MART won't let me shop there anymore

This would be wonderful

So I got this email and I have to say, I would love to hear this. This is a great solution. Wouldn't you say?? Wonderful message.


"My Fellow Americans:
As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed. Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete. This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq. This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now time to begin the reckoning.

Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names of countries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict. This list is short. The UnitedKingdom, Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, and Poland are some of the countries listed there. The other list contains everyone not on the first list.
Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies ofboth lists later this evening. Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely.
The money saved during thefirst year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war. THEN EVERY YEARTHERE AFTER IT GO TO OUR SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM SO IT WONT GO BROKE IN 20 YEARS.
The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hellholes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption. Need help with a famine ? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.
In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home . On that note,a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France , or maybeChina.
I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France, Germany,and Russia . Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mess amiss. I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world.I love New York.
A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change. Mexico is also on List 2. The Presidente' and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put 'em? Yep, border security. By the way Mexico, start thinking about what your going to do with the 20 million "guest workers" were sending back to you. "BY By" to your country's highest income source.
Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty- starting now.We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska- which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades tocome. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care.
It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, "darn too-tin." Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America. It is time to eliminate homelessness in America.
To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thank you guys. We owe you and we won't forget.
To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic. And start practicing the worship of Allah.
God bless America. Thank you and good night.
If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.

A Look At Obama

Obama's Key Issues: (He is saying he is the one to make a change)

Civil Rights
There is no more fundamental American right than the right to vote. Before the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act, barriers such as literacy tests, poll taxes and property requirements disenfranchised many Americans, especially minorities. More than 40 years later, there are still numerous obstacles to ensuring that every citizen has the ability to vote.

"We must build a world free of unnecessary barriers, stereotypes, and discrimination .... policies must be developed, attitudes must be shaped, and buildings and organizations must be designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to get the education they need and live independently as full citizens in their communities."

As president, Barack Obama will implement a 21st century economic agenda to help ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle class is thriving and growing. He will increase investments in infrastructure, energy independence, education, and research and development; modernize and simplify our tax code so it provides greater opportunity and relief to more Americans; and implement trade policies that benefit American workers and increase the export of American goods.

Throughout America's history, education has been the vehicle for social and economic mobility, giving hope and opportunity to millions of young people. Our schools must prepare students not only to meet the demands of the global economy, but also help students take their place as committed and engaged citizens. It must ensure that all students have a quality education regardless of race, class, or background. Barack Obama is committed to strengthening our public schools to maximize our country's greatest natural resource - the American people. Obama believes that we must equip poor and struggling districts, both rural and urban, with the support and resources they need to provide disadvantaged students with an opportunity to reach their full potential. Too often, our leaders present this issue as an either - or debate, divided between giving our schools more funding, or demanding more accountability. Obama believes that we have to do both, and has offered innovative ideas to break through the political stalemate in Washington.

Energy & Environment
Senator Obama has been a leader in the Senate in pushing for a comprehensive national energy policy and has introduced a number of bills to get us closer to the goal of energy independence. By putting aside partisan battles, he has found common ground on CAFE, renewable fuels, and clean coal.

Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has been a leader in fighting for open and honest government. As a U.S. Senator, he has spearheaded the effort to clean up Washington in the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandal. In a politically charged election year, Obama acknowledged that corruption was a problem that plagued both political parties. He subsequently enlisted the help of Republican allies to limit lobbyist influence, shine sunlight into the earmarks process and promote open government.

In June of 2006, Senator Obama delivered what was called the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years. Speaking before an evangelical audience, Senator Obama candidly discussed his own religious conversion and doubts, and the need for a deeper, more substantive discussion about the role of faith in American life.

Strong families raise successful children and keep communities together. While Senator Obama does not believe that we can simply legislate healthy families, good parenting skills or economic success, he does believe we can eliminate roadblocks that parents face and provide tools to help them succeed. A husband and father of two, Senator Obama has promoted strong families in the Senate.

"The cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and states of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports, and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on ... If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we'd see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies." - Barack Obama, Speech in the U.S. Senate, March 13, 2006

Foreign Policy
As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Obama has fought to strengthen America's position in the world. Reaching across the aisle, Obama has tackled problems such as preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction and stopping the genocide in Darfur.

"I...believe that every American has the right to affordable health care. I believe that the millions of Americans who can't take their children to a doctor when they get sick have that right...We now face an opportunity - and an obligation - to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates. It's time to bring together businesses, the medical community, and members of both parties around a comprehensive solution to this crisis, and it's time to let the drug and insurance industries know that while they'll get a seat at the table, they don't get to buy every chair." -Barack Obama, Speech in Iowa City, IA, 5/27/07

Homeland Security
Five years after 9/11, our country is still unprepared for a terrorist attack. From improving security for our transit systems and chemical plants, to increasing cargo screening in our airports and seaports, the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission have been underfunded and ignored. The 9/11 Commission gave the government five F's and 12 D's on the implementation of its recommendations. Senator Obama is a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and has supported efforts to base homeland security spending on risk rather than pork-barrel politics. He has also introduced legislation to strengthen chemical plant and drinking water security and to enhance disaster preparedness.

Barack Obama has played a leading role in crafting comprehensive immigration reform. Obama believes the immigration issue has been exploited by politicians to divide the nation rather than find real solutions. This divisiveness has allowed the illegal immigration problem to worsen, with borders that are less secure than ever and an economy that depends on millions of workers living in the shadows.

Before the war in Iraq ever started, Senator Obama said that it was wrong in its conception. In 2002, then Illinois State Senator Obama said Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the United States and that invasion would lead to an occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. Since then, Senator Obama has laid out a plan on the way forward in Iraq that has largely been affirmed by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group led by James Baker and Lee Hamilton.

There are 37 million poor Americans. Most poor Americans are in the workforce, yet still cannot afford to make ends meet. And too many poor Americans are single mothers who are raising children. Barack Obama has been a lifelong advocate for the poor -- as a young college graduate, he rejected the high salaries of corporate America and moved to the South Side of Chicago to work as a community organizer. As an organizer, Obama worked with churches, Chicago residents and local government to set up job training programs for the unemployed and after school programs for kids.

"We are at that critical and urgent moment. If Washington continues policies that work against America's family farmers, our rural communities will fall further behind - and so will America. But if we reject the politics that has shut ordinary folks out, we can create a new story for rural America ... The dreams of rural Americans are familiar to all Americans - to make a good living, to raise a healthy and secure family, and to leave our children a future of opportunity. It's time for real leadership for rural America to extend that American dream. That's the dream of opportunity that I've spent my life fighting for. And that's what our rural agenda will do." - Barack Obama, Speech in Fairfax, IA, October 16, 2007

"Your own story and the American story are not separate - they are shared. And they will both be enriched if we stand up together, and answer a new call to service to meet the challenges of our new century ... I won't just ask for your vote as a candidate; I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States. This will not be a call issued in one speech or program; this will be a cause of my presidency." - Barack Obama, Speech in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, December 5, 2007

Seniors & Social Security
Americans turning 65 this year have grown our economy by 4.5 times over the course of their working lives. They have tilled our soil, defended our country, taught our children, worked in our factories, and raised a new generation to build upon their successes. And yet, many struggle to get by. Threats to Social Security and Medicare, skyrocketing health costs, and abuse and neglect of seniors all jeopardize our unspoken covenant: our seniors worked hard to take care of us, and now we must be here for them.

"Let us be the generation that reshapes our economy to compete in the digital age. Let's set high standards for our schools and give them the resources they need to succeed. Let's recruit a new army of teachers, and give them better pay and more support in exchange for more accountability. Let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research, and let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America.

As a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama is committed to helping the heroes who defend our nation today and the veterans who fought in years past. A grandson of a World War II veteran who went to college on the G.I. Bill, Senator Obama has reached out to Republicans and Democrats in order to honor our commitment to America's veterans.

To read more on his issues you can click on the underline text. I got this info from: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/

A Look At Clinton (I'm still so not voting for her)

Clintons Key Issues:

Strengthening the Middle Class
America's middle class is under siege and ready for change. People are working harder and longer for less and less. For six long years, America's middle class and working families have been invisible to our president. When Hillary is in the White House, no American will be invisible to the president of the United States.

Providing Affordable and Accessible Health Care
Nearly 47 million Americans -- including 9 million children -- don't have health insurance. America is ready for universal health care. Hillary has the vision and the experience to make it a reality. This is a battle Hillary has fought before -- and she has the scars to prove it. She knows better than anyone how to fight and build the political support to get the job done.

Ending the War in Iraq
America is ready for a leader who will end the war in Iraq. Hillary's roadmap out of Iraq, the Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act of 2007, is a plan to end the war before the next president takes the oath of office. But if the Bush administration won't end the war, as president and commander in chief, Hillary will.

Promoting Energy Independence and Fighting Global Warming
The choices we make about energy touch nearly every aspect of our lives. Our economy, our national security, our health, and the future of our planet are all at stake as we make a choice between energy independence and dependence on foreign sources of oil. Hillary has proposed an Apollo Project-like program dedicated to achieving energy independence.

Improving Our Schools
Hillary has long been a passionate advocate for providing greater educational opportunities to all children. She knows that parents are our children's first teachers, and the early years have a tremendous impact on their lives. She also knows that we have to improve our K-12 system in order to ensure that every child is prepared to compete, and has a plan to make college affordable for all.

Fulfilling Our Promises to Veterans
Hillary will ensure that all those who sacrifice on behalf of our country receive the help and care they need. They not only deserve our country's gratitude and support; they deserve the gold standard in health care and benefits when they return home. That is our most solemn obligation to those who have put their lives on the line for our country.

Supporting Parents and Caring for Children
America is ready for a president who fights for our children. From her first job out of law school at the Children's Defense Fund to her time as First Lady of Arkansas and of the United States to her service in the Senate, helping children has been at the center of Hillary's public life.

Restoring America's Standing in the World
The next president's most urgent task will be to restore America's standing in the world to promote our interests, ensure our security, and advance our values. America is stronger when we lead the world through alliances. As president, Hillary will lead by the words of the Declaration of Independence, which pledged "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind."

A Champion for Women
Hillary's historic statement in 1995 that "women's rights are human rights" still echoes worldwide. As a lawyer, advocate, First Lady, and senator, Hillary has fought for issues important to women here at home and around the world for decades. Hillary will continue her lifelong fight to ensure that all Americans are treated with respect and dignity.

Comprehensive Government Reform
Americans are ready for a government that puts competency ahead of cronyism. For the past six years, we've had an administration that has contempt for government. And because they view it with contempt, they treat it with contempt. We need a return to transparency and a system of checks and balances, and a 21st century government to meet our 21st century challenges.

Strengthening Our Democracy
Fair and honest elections are the bedrock of a successful democracy. Yet we have seen abuses in national elections since 2000 that have undermined our democracy and Americans' faith in our electoral system. Hillary is a leading champion of election reform. She has introduced the Count Every Vote Act to avoid repeating the problems of the past and ensure the integrity of our elections.

Reforming Our Immigration System
Our immigration system is in crisis. The laws we currently have on the books are inadequate and no longer serve our best interests. As a nation, we place a premium on compassion, respect, and policies that help families, but our immigration laws don't reflect that. Hillary has consistently called for comprehensive immigration reform that respects our immigrant heritage and honors the rule of law.

An Innovation Agenda
At a time when workers are anxious about the challenges of globalization and there is growing concern that America is losing its competitive edge, Hillary offered her views on how innovation can be the key for creating new jobs, stimulating economic growth, and ensuring American leadership of 21st century industries.

Creating Opportunity for Rural America
Hillary has a vision for rebuilding rural communities to ensure that opportunities are available and people can still achieve the American dream. At the core of Hillary's vision is her strong support for family farms. She believes that there are many opportunities to create good jobs and improve key services in rural areas.

You can click on the underline text to read more. I got this info from: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/

A Look At McCain

Here are the Key Issues that McCain is focusing on:

Economic Stimulus Plan
John McCain has bold solutions to stimulate the American economy.

McCain Tax Cut Plan
John McCain believes taxes should be low, simple, and fair and has a track record of commitment to these principles.

Government Spending, Lower Taxes and Economic Prosperity
America's economic progress requires that the federal government abide by the same standards of common sense and fiscal restraint as hardworking families.

Straight Talk on Health System Reform
John McCain is willing to address the fundamental problem: the rapidly rising cost of U.S. health care. Bringing costs under control is the only way to stop the erosion of affordable health insurance, save Medicare and Medicaid, protect private health benefits for retirees, and allow our companies to effectively compete around the world.

Strict Constructionist Philosophy
John McCain believes that one of the greatest threats to our liberty and the Constitutional framework that safeguards our freedoms are willful judges who usurp the role of the people and their representatives and legislate from the bench. As President, John McCain will nominate judges who understand that their role is to faithfully apply the law as written, not impose their opinions through judicial fiat.

Human Dignity & the Sanctity of Life
During more than five years as a POW in Vietnam, John McCain experienced the worst assaults on human dignity imaginable. Yet each day he also saw in his fellow prisoners the power of human compassion and the will to prevail against unimaginable evil. It is this experience, and a life dedicated to public service, that has imbued in John McCain a fundamental commitment to the protection of human dignity that will shape his presidency.

Lobbying & Ethics Reform
John McCain believes that a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" must remain ever faithful to that noble charge. America needs leadership devoted to the public interest, not the special interest, and a government that fulfills its duties with unfailing integrity, accountability, and common sense. Those who serve in positions of public trust have a patriotic duty to serve the national interest with integrity and accountability, to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the people we are privileged to serve, and to devote ourselves to America's agenda, not that of narrow special interests.

Strategy for Victory in Iraq
John McCain believes that we must not fail in Iraq. Succeeding in the cause of helping the Iraqi people build a stable, secure, representative state is essential to achieving an enduring peace in a region of the world central to American prosperity and national security. Failure in Iraq will endanger America for generations to come. America has a vital interest in a secure, democratic Iraq, at peace with its neighbors, to help stabilize a dangerous and critical region.

Border Security & Immigration Reform
I have always believed that our border must be secure and that the federal government has utterly failed in its responsibility to ensure that it is secure. If we have learned anything from the recent immigration debate, it is that Americans have little trust that their government will honor a pledge to do the things necessary to make the border secure.

Commitment To America's Service Members: Past And Present
America owes its liberty, its prosperity, and its future to our veterans who have dedicated their lives to protecting our great country. John McCain has fought to honor our national commitment to our veterans who have given their careers and livelihoods to ensuring our freedom. He believes we must provide for service members and their families while they serve, we must help those who return from combat to adjust to civilian life, and we must honor and never forget the service of those who do not return.

Excellence, Choice, and Competition in American Education

National Security
The most sacred responsibility vested in a president - the commander in chief - is to "preserve and protect" American citizens. John McCain has the necessary vision and unrivaled experience to command the United States armed forces and adapt our nation's defenses to the demands of a changing and dangerous world.

Stewards of Our Nation's Rich Natural Heritage
John McCain has a proud record of common sense stewardship. Along with his commitment to clean air and water, and to conserving open space, he has been a leader on the issue of global warming with the courage to call the nation to action on an issue we can no longer afford to ignore.

Protecting Second Amendment Rights
John McCain believes that the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is a fundamental, individual Constitutional right that we have a sacred duty to protect. We have a responsibility to ensure that criminals who violate the law are prosecuted to the fullest, rather than restricting the rights of law abiding citizens. Gun control is a proven failure in fighting crime. Law abiding citizens should not be asked to give up their rights because of criminals - criminals who ignore gun control laws anyway.

America's Space Program
"Let us now embark upon this great journey into the stars to find whatever may await us."

To read more you can click on the underline text. I got this info from http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/


I have been researching the presidential candidates closely this year. Not because I am disappointed with President Bush, but because I fully support our president. I honestly can say that I voted for him twice and I truely believe in what he is doing over seas and I think that he has made a lot of changes for us. I am not saying he has been perfect and I am not saying that we are completely where we need to be as a country. So I want the next president to follow what Bush has started.

I can proudly say that yes I am a Republican. There are a lot about what the Democrates stand for that I don't like or believe in.

I honestly do not think that the candidates that are up for president are going to do anything for us. Nothing but get us further and further into debt and take more of our hard earned money.

Here a couple of key points that I am looking at:

1~ Taxes ~ we the working class of our society get taxed to death. We need our hard earned money to keep our homes, cars and food on our tables. The democrates are for taxing us more and lowing the taxes for the rice. How is that fair?? Seems the ones that can afford it should be the ones paying it.

2~ War ~ while I understand that some people protest this war. People think that because we did not find weapons of mass distruction that means there are none. I fully believe that there are some and I think that they kept them on the move. It is easy to persued someone to tip them off before the search was to take place. We got Sadam, which is more than Pres. Bush (the first) did when he went after him. I do not believe our work is done. It will not be done till we bring Osama down. Let me ask you people do you remember where you were when the towers fell? Do you remember what you felt??? I personally know someone that was suppose to be at the Pentagon for a meeting and his meeting was suppose to take place around where the plane hit. He was late and he had his hand on the door when he heard something and seen the plane so he ran back to the parking lot and watched the plane hit. Had he not been late he would no longer be with us. My brother in law whom is a proud member of our US Army and believes in the war as does every other soilder over there and whom has served in this war does. He was park of the clean up crew at the pentagon and he seen things that no person should have to see. He had to collect momentos to identify whom was killed because alot of the people killed were so burned that there was nothing left. He has been over seas twice to serve in this war. We need a president whom is going to finish this war that we started and not pull our troops out at once like the democrates want to do.

3~ Illegal Aliens ~ Step up border control, stop letting them come into our land and take our jobs from our people. This is our land we speak English here. IF YA DON'T LIKE IT GET THE HELL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4~ Health Care ~ It is just crazy that we have to pay so much for Health Care. Then on top of that we have to pay co-pays. What the hell. And why do I have to pay several co-pays for the same thing, if the appt is a Follow-up appt, you should not have to pay a co-pay. It is just crazy the cost being driven up. We need to get the drs that do something wrong out of there and keep the ones that actually do a good job and do what they should do for there patients.

So we have:

Obama ~ he seems like a down to earth guy and I can go for what he is selling, but I know like all democrates the shoe will fall and he will show his cards if he becomes president.

Hillary Clinton ~ Oh God, NO!! Not another Clinton. Didn't we learn the first time people, Bill did not run the country when he was in office, Hillary did it.

McCain ~ Not who I would have liked for the Republican candidate.

While I am still debating over who to vote for this presidental election, I still don't think that any of the contenders are right for the job.

Still undecided as to whom to vote for. Need more research I guess.


Cool Widget

Monday, March 10, 2008

In Memory of Aunt Donna

Pearly Gates

Today I walked thru those Pearly Gates of Heaven.
I know I left many whom I loved behind.
Just remember me and hold me in your heart.

Please know that I am at peace
I am no longer suffering
I have no more pain
I am free

I walk beside our lord and Savior
I look down on all of you
I am with you
So please don't cry for me

I am in a much better place
A beautiful place
A place of Peace
A place of love

When our God calls on you to walk thru these Pearly Gates
Don't be afraid
I will be waiting here
front and center
to welcome you thru these Pearly Gates

By: Leslie A. McGuinn (2008)


My Comedian

It seems that I have a comedian on my hands. She says some of the funniest things. Of course it makes me think of those emails that go around, you know the ones Kids say the Darnedest Things. Well before I was a mom and even before my little one talked I am like there is no way kids say those things. I am hear to tell you it is true, kids really do come up with some crazy things. Our most recent comic performance by Harleyann came this past Fri. She was complaining her ears and throat hurt and she was running a fever Thurs night, so Fri I took her to the Dr. Well turns out she has the flu.

Anyhow while we were there I had the Dr take a look at her really nasty purple big toe on her left foot. I assumed that she just stubbed her toe, but it looked nasty and she wouldn't let me touch it. So the following is the conversation between the Dr and Harleyann. WARNING ~ you may need tissues, I laughed so hard I had tears.

DR: Harleyann can I look at your toe?
H: don't touch
DR: I just want to see it for a minute.
(at this time Harleyann removes her hands from around her toe)
DR: What happened to you toe Harleyann?
H: It's broke!
DR: Can you move it for me?
H: Yes (and at this point she takes her thumb and forefinger and moves her toe from side to side), see I can move it.
DR: Can I touch it?
H: no, it's broke.
(we finally convince her to let the Dr touch it and the Dr is touching different spots on her toe)
DR: (at each point she touches) Does this hurt?
H: (same response after the question) no, it's broke.
DR: Can you wiggle your toe for me.
H: Yes (again she takes her thumb and forefinger and moves her toe from side to side) see it's broke.

At this point the dr is trying to keep from laughing, I am trying to keep from laughing. The Dr's diagnosis, it's not broke and she told me a few things to watch for that if they occure then I have to take her back to the Dr. Harleyann's diagnosis: IT'S BROKE!!!

Friday, February 29, 2008

My little monkey

So Harleyann comes home from school today with a final notice for her costume for school. First, I knew nothing of the sorts for needing a costume. So anyhow she has a performance at school for the whole school on Wends the 5th and then she will be performing at the PTA meeting on Tues March 11th. She is going to be a monkey in a performance called 'It's A Jungle Out There!' She said she will be singing 3 songs: It's a Jungle Out There, Going Bananas and King of the Jungle. If anyone wants to come see her in her first school performance it is on Tues. March 11th at 7pm in the cafateria of her school. I will be there video tapeing and getting lots of pictures. I hope some of you can come see my little monkey in action.

Love my Cats

Since I shared my puppy, I thought I'd share a couple pics of my babies. The gray one is Buddy and the calico is Calie. I know I have the ABC's going on.

Puppy Love

Well Jeff finally broke me down to let him get a puppy for Harleyann. After both of them begged me to let them get one. So I am thinking oh a little puppy no prob. So Jeff brings her home and she is huge. She is 3 months old and she is big, she is prob about 40 lbs and she is only going to get bigger. She is a mut mixed with German Shepard and Husky. She is so pretty. We named her Angel and she looks like a Husky with German Shepard colors. Here are a couple of cute pics of her. My cats don't like her, yet.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


If you know me, then you know I am a big fan of karaoke. I love to sing and well this gives me away to sing. My hubby got me a karaoke machine for Christmas 2006 and I have been collecting karaoke cd's since then and I just enjoy singing. I have sang in public a few times and people seem to enjoy my singing. Anyhow I searched online and found a wonderful free site to record karaoke, poems and stories. So I thought I would share the link with you and let you go take a listen to my singing and leave me some feedback. Maybe you will decide to record some of your own karaoke.


Harleyann's new glasses

Harleyann recently visited the eye doctor and well she told the eye doctor she could not see so she is once again wearing glasses. So here is a picture that I took of her this morning.