Saturday, May 10, 2008


OK, I know y'all are probably sitting there going 'Barbie what in the hell.'
So let me explain, I have a almost 6 yo daughter. And just last yr for her 5Th birthday she got her first Barbie. Well she had some Barbie's but they were the ones from my childhood that I had saved. Yes I am a pack rat and am proud of it. No seriously I knew one day I would have a little girl to pass them on to.

So for now we will call my Barbie's that I passed on to my daughter as 'The real deal'
So you are probably wondering 'OK what in hell' again.

OK so back to buying my daughter her first barbie. So I tell my hubby go to Walmart and get a barbie make sure she is pretty because they really have some ugly looking Barbie's now and I don't want my child to get an ugly barbie. LOL I now I now I am a bit strange but anyhow. So he get Beach Barbie, in her bikini and heart tattoo on her tummy. She has a very pretty face, but I am looking at this doll going, now if this dolls face don't look like a man's face and look at those huge feet we will NEVER find shoes to fit this doll. My husband thinks I am crazy by this which OK he may be a little right but whatever. So I wrap it up.

So now my daughter opens the gift, not very excited about the Barbie, she is a tom boy and would rather have a train or cars & trucks. What can I say, I was kinda like that myself. Anyhow back to the Barbie, so later on I am removing the ten million gifts from there packages, they make the damn packages adult proof now, that it takes 30 mins to get one $10 doll out of the package. So anyhow, I get to the doll and I finally get her out and OK so I have to peek. I have to know if they still make it look like the doll has on panties when they have no clothes on seeings how I just know for some strange reason that I am going to find naked barbie dolls everywhere. I really am not sure why I knew this, I just did ;-) OK so maybe I knew because that is what I always did with my Barbie's, striped them naked and left them wherever, poor barbie. Oh well.
So to my surprise, this doll has what looks like a nice size package. I mean it is really bigger then what Ken has. So I look at my hubby and say, "You bought out daughter a Transvestite Barbie." My hubby nearly falls in the floor with laughter and then he says "You just had to look didn't you."

So fast forward to tonight, I am cleaning my daughters room for the ten millionth time over the past year and I am getting all her naked Barbie's dressed. I couldn't find the bathing suit for this particular barbie and so I an trying to dress it in pants but her hips and butt are to damn big and the pants want go up past her hips. So I finally find a dress that fits this doll over her wide chest, by the way this barbie barely has tits, she is very much flat chested but she has wide shoulders. So this dress comes barely past her butt, so I bring her to show my hubby and cousin and I am like, "OK I know that they wanted to make barbies more realistic but come on did they really have to make her a transvestite?" (No offence to the Tranies out there, I love you guys really) Then I say "I am not sure what is worse, they make the dress so damn short that she is gonna bend over and everyone is going to see her gonads." My cousin is asking my hubby what I am smoking and why I ain't sharing at this point. So I said "let me make a point," and I go get one of my barbies and I stand them side by side and said they made this one huge she towers my barbie by a head and that barbie is flatfooted and mine is on her tiptoes (for the heels). So I continue going on about they now make transvestite tramp barbies who can just bend over and be ready.

So I want to know a few things:

1~ when did the designer of the 'real deal' go to making cheap knock of barbies (because they are more like the real thing now in stead of those cheap plastic things that don't bend any direction.)

2~ Where did they find whoever is making the new Barbie's
and lastly

3~ since when has it been decided that Tranies were the real women that they want to model barbie after. what about us BBW women?

But I really don't mind, I just found it humorous. And I just want them to make the new barbies clothes that actually fit and shoes too :-) And I really do love Tranies, I have a good friend who is and I love him to pieces. You know who you are and I love you.

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