Thursday, January 28, 2010


Christie, Beth and me we were really close when we were young, hung out, did things together, had fun, loved each other, got along well, shared well most of the time. We would have our little tiffs here and there. But then one day the rivalry started, I am not exactly sure when it happened, probably around puberty, mine since I was the oldest.

We fought constantly, about everything. This one was annoying me; this one was bothering my stuff. It was always something and I am sure that we drove my mom insane. I think sometimes she ignored us because it was always something. Once Christie hit puberty it got worse and then Beth hit puberty and I swear for years we could not stand to be around each other. All we had to do was look at one of us funny and boom we were arguing and fighting.

Now I am not bragging here but I was mean and bossy. I would boss the other 2 around; I was the oldest they were suppose to do what I said right. Hahaha LOL. I would torture Christie, she is 2 yrs younger than me and well I am a horror movie buff, Christie umm not so much. In fact every time she would even hear the title of a horror movie or even seen previews to a horror movie or better yet all she had to do was see a picture and that was all she wrote for her to have nightmares for the next month. Well I used this as a torture method towards her. She will probably tell you I damaged her for life and that I would make an excellent torturer to get people to talk LOL.

So with Christie it would go something like this:

M: "Hey, Christie guess what?"
C: "What?"
M: (jump up at her and scream) "FREDDY!!!"
then after she basically would jump out her skin.. "Is the coolest, you have GOT to see the new Nightmare on Elm Street with me, I RELLY think you will like it."
C: she pretty much starts crying and screaming nooooooooooo.
M: So then me being the awesome big sister ever would go. "But you know Jason is pretty cool, would you like me to demonstrate what he does for you?"
C: "nnnnnoooooo"
M: "Awe come on it is really cool" with a big butcher knife I am making the sound from the part where Jason is after you chasing her around the house. One time she jumped behind the box spring and so I started stabbing it to show her the real effects.

Needless to say, she would have nightmares for weeks!! I don't know what possessed me to do that, but it was fun torturing her like that. You will be happy to know that now at 31 she can watch some horror movies, I don't think Friday the 13th is one of them, but not sure. And I am no longer like that and now that we both have kids get along pretty well, unless she does something to irritate me, then I just text her or send her a message on facebook going off on her.

Now Beth, she was my baby. She is 4 years younger than me and well I wanted to baby her and would do anything for her. Still would do anything for her today. She did not get the full blunt of my torture, every now and then we would fight. One time I sled her down the hallway on the side of her face, she had a nice rug burn on her face. And then one time we got into a fist fight. But all in all I wanted to "parent & protect" her. We had a good relationship growing up. Today at 29 she has not kids and no interest of having any (well except for her grown step kids). So we don't talk and hang out as much as we once did. I guess it is because of the kids. I miss hanging with her and just talking to her. But she has her own life.

Now throw in my youngest stepsister, Kim, whom is 6 yrs younger than me, we fought most of the time. I would bang her head into the corner of the wall and she had these claws boy and she would just scratch the hell outta me. She is now 27 and has no kids but she adores my kids and they adore her and we are really close. She came and stayed with me and helped me out when I was pregnant with JJ since I needed to keep calm and relaxed and on bed rest for most of the pregnancy.

So there you have it, my sisters and I were real close, then puberty hit and we could not stand the sight of the other, then we became adults and we now rely on and lean on each other for support and friendship and love.

Now I have a girl and a boy and they are 7 years apart so I am hoping that we want have much of the fighting stuff because they will have their own things to be interested in. So we will see.

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