Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God, Church, and Religion

It is interesting how God works.

Let me start by saying the my Grandmother was an amazing women, she taught me a lot. I would go to church with her all the time and I could never wait till the weekend to go to church. I grew up in a Pentecostal church, I loved that church. Bellwood Pentecostal is where I went, sadly that church is no longer around. I went there until I was a teenager and I stopped going like I should and then I really had a distaste of going because when I was 17 yrs old I was diagnosed with asthma and allergies that effected my job at the time (it was outdoors) and I ended up being put on a steroid for a bit to help control the asthma. Now everyone knows that steroids cause you to gain weight. One of the people that I went to church with seen me at the store one day with my dad and I had gained some weight. Next thing I know my grandma is calling me going off because she was told that I was pregnant by my dad (stepdad but he is my dad). WTH really I had never had sex with anyone and I simply gained weight due to steroids and now people that have known me all my life and have known my family for much longer than that. I really began to loath going to that church. The church that I loved, the church that I grew up in. So I started going to a Methodist church with my best friend, come to find out that is the religion my family has always been, until my grandmother came to Richmond and found a Pentecostal church. Later when I was 18 I met my husband, whom was brought up totally different that I was, as he was brought up Catholic. Both had attended Baptist with other grandparents, but really that was not what we were looking for.

Seeings how we were different in the way we were brought up just stopped going to church. Every now and then I would catch church on tv or we would just go somewhere on a holiday and sometimes we would go with my husbands parents. When my husband went to my church it freaked him out a little bit and he didn't like it. I don't really like Catholic churchs, so we were at a crossroads on what to do and where to go. There had to be some sort of common ground right. But for the most part we just stopped going to church. I still prayed, I prayed alot, I am sure it is not like I should be praying, but either way I have always prayed.

Well my daughter is a girl scout, this is our third year. We started in a new troop this past fall and I learned about Girl Scout Sunday, which was the Sunday before last. Since our troop meets at a church, that is where I troop was to attend that day. It is a Methodist church. So my husband, myself, and our 2 kids went to this church and we really enjoyed the sermon, the people there were amazing. Towards the end of the service, the kids get out of children's church and they come back in with us. Our almost 2 year old was giving us a fit about sitting still and one of  the ladies behind us asked if she could take him in the nursary to play, so we let her. So my husband and I agreed that we both liked the church, it has some Catholic tendency's and some tendency's that I like and it sort of fits and it is a common ground. The pastor at the church has only been with them since July, so they are still working on things they want to do with and for the church. They have a lot of great things and we like it. It is a fairly small congregation, but it suits us. So after 15years of marriage we finally found a common church ground and we found a church home.

So since we have found a church home, I have found that God is moving within me and I find myself changing. For instance the past two Sunday's I have been in church and since that first Sunday I have found myself with a Christian station on in my car when I am in it. If I get in and something else is on, it is put right back on the Christian station, I am finding myself not liking some of the stuff that just a couple weeks ago I did. Funny how that works. I find myself wanting to be at church or something with the church. God works in each of us and I think he knows when we need him and he knows when we need to be back with him. I want to live my life better and differently. I can't wait to see what he has in store for me and for my family.

God is changing me and he is bringing me peace. God is awesome!

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