I am mommy to a 24 wk micro-preemie and I was dead set against have another child for fear that I would have another baby that early and the outcome would not be what it was like for the first. God had other plans for me, and now I have a second child. My pregnancy with #2 was not an easy one, the mommies of RM were wonderful, if I didn't post someone was sending me a private message (PM) wanting to make sure everything was OK. I managed to make it to 37 wks with #2. There is a 7 year age gap between my children so having #2 was like starting all over, you would think that once a mom you would not forget but after 7 yrs I was a bit rusty and I know I asked a ton of questions that I should have known. Now #1 is a girl and #2 is a boy, so besides the age gap, we have gender differences and they are completely different. I catch myself saying now that #1 was not like this, what do I do? Someone is bound to have gone through the same thing and can give some advice. After having my son, several of my RM friends storked me, that is where they brought me meals 3 times a week for 2 weeks, it was so helpful. After having a new baby and via c-section the meals certainly helped and all I had to do was heat up the food.
Now a week ago a freak accident happened, one of those things that you say well that will never happen to me. Well it did and I was so scared of what people would think about me, not to mention the fact that I was beating myself up over it. See I had just finished dinner and was lifting my son over the baby gate to get him in his seat and ready for dinner. He was wiggling, my daughter was trying to hand me a diaper and talk to me at the same time, and I guess I just didn't have control of my son as well as I thought I did and he fell out of my arms. When he fell we were in front of the stove and he fell onto the pot of green beans on the stove and when he rolled it pushed the green beans back and his arm landed on the burner. He got 1st degree and partial thickness 2nd degree burns on his upper left buttocks, back, right side, right arm, and right ear. I debated back and forth rather to post for prayers for a speedy healing for my son on RM, because I felt that I would get a lot of flack for dropping my son. Eventually I decided to post about it and the response was nothing that I thought it would be. The mommies were wonderful, they all reassured me, sent prayers and well wishes. They told me accidents happened and not to be hard on myself. I do not think they know just how much that meant to me and really helped me to feel better about the situation.
I am happy to report that after a week since the burn incident, my sons ear is completely healed, the burns on his buttocks, back and side look wonderful. His arm was the worse, it looks good but will take a bit longer to heal.
I learned from this incident that we all make mistakes and no matter how hard we try accidents happen and a lot of them are out of our control. I have also learned the saying that a Mother is her own worst enemy is so true.
I honestly do not know what kind of mother I would be without the backup and support from my Richmond Mommies and I thank them all. We do not always agree about things, but in the end we are all mothers and no matter how one chooses to raise their child no one is wrong.
Thanks Mommies, I love you all :)
**To find out if there is a TMN site in your area visit this link: http://www.themommiesnetwork.org/index.shtml
Great post Leslie
Excellent post :)
Thanks :)
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