Thursday, February 18, 2010

Major Budget Cuts for Schools and Healthcare in Virginia

Our Governor, whom I did vote for and support, has made his budget cut proposal and of course the top two major cuts will fall within our schools and health care. How is that even fair. I mean our children our the future and if we continue to shove them in overcrowded classrooms the less they will learn and the higher the drop out rate. How will our future look if our future leaders are drop outs and uneducated. Or die because their parents can not afford health care for them and due to budget cuts there is no Famis for them to receive and if they have a major issue their parents will not be able to afford to pay hospital bills. And mental health patients need help not to be roaming with no meds to help their condition and who knows what will happen. People rely on free clinics they rely on their children to get good educations and it is all going down hill. This is a letter that I wrote to the Governor and I will write one to my delegate and congressman and anyone else that I can write to, in order to get it through that we want NO MAJOR BUDGET CUTS FOR SCHOOLS AND HEALTH CARE.....If you are a Virginia I would encourage you to do the same thing.

Dear Mr. McDonnell,
I am a Virginia resident whom voted for and support you. I stand behind my decision in voting for you, however I am quite concerned with your recent budget cuts proposal. I do understand that you have promised to not raise taxes, and I do appreciate that. On the other hand, why is it that our schools and health care is always the ones that get the most cuts. There has to be other areas in which major cuts can come from. See the issue that I have is this, my daughter, my pride and joy, was born at 24 weeks, she is now 7 years old and in school. She is in a full time special needs class with 11 other students. She needs a lot of one on one attention to learn and to me having 12 special needs students in one class is to many, with continued budget cuts for schools then how will they be able to afford more special needs classes in order to lower the number of students in these classes. Teachers are under paid as it is and with even more budget cuts for the school systems means that they will have to lay teachers off, something that we do not need, because we do not need to have more unemployed. I am concerned that special needs classes will be among the hardest hit areas within school systems thus meaning more in classes and less help for these students with special needs. I am disheartened to even feel that my child may not get the help she needs to learn because of budget cuts for schools. Also my oldest child is insured through medicaid and my youngest through Famis and I am concerned that health care budget cuts may interfere with their insurance. My husband and I can not afford to put them on his insurance due to him being the only one whom works and we have a mortgage and other necessary bills that have sadly increased. I am a proud Virginian but cuts to these areas must stop. I would also like to know where the money from lottery goes. I was always under the impression that all proceeds went to the schools, if this is the case then why do schools always lose out?
Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns. I hope that as a father you will understand my concerns and realize that the best way to help this state is to insure that school systems and health care equally have no more major budget cuts. Our children our the future and if we don't teach them the right way now then what will that mean for our future.
Leslie McGuinn
Proud Virginian and Proud McDonnell Supporter

To send an email to the Governor visit this site:

I have emailed both my Delegate and Senator to find and email yours please visit this site:

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