I can't believe that it has been 15 years already (tomorrow). It seems like it has gone by so fast. Our wedding day was an interesting one. My sister in law got a ticket on the way to our wedding, my in laws were not happy that I was stealing their little boy at the age of 18 (a few hrs away from being 19), the JOP that was going to marry us never showed, we ended up getting married later than expected because we were calling around to find a last minute replacement (luckily we were able to get one of our friends cousins to come marry us), I broke out in hives because I didn't think I would end up getting married, we didn't get much to eat (well I didn't because I was hidden away), by the time we finally got married my dad was toasted and I thought for sure he was going to make me fall walking me down the isle and then when the preacher asked who give me away my dad was suppose to say her mother and I, but instead yelled in the preachers face I do and all you could smell was alcohol (thanking back it was pretty dag on funny).
I am just glad everyone hung around. It wasn't perfect but it was us and the funny thing is it turned out the way it was suppose to and even funnier still is that our life has turned out a lot like that. When we think we are down and out and things are not going to work, someone comes along to help us up. I am so thankful for the family that I married into, they are wonderful and I guess you could say I grew on them.
Our first 5 years were very rough and included lots of fighting, arguing, and even a short separation. We found our way back to one another and we knew that we were meant to be. Our 6th year of marriage we learned a lot about what we are made of we learned to communicate with each other, that was our biggest problem the first 5. But you see something very special happened right before our 6th wedding anniversary, we found out we were expecting out first child, then in June our little girl was born 16 weeks to early. We survived it. I remember the nurses were really concerned because Jeff and I had just gotten back together not long before I got pregnant and they told me that having a child that premature does one of two things for couples, it tears them completely apart or it pulls them closer together. I can say going through that time in my life, I would not have wanted to do it with anyone else, he was not just my rock but we were each others rock. A month after our daughter was born we lost a very dear friend, Jason. He was Harleyann's Godfather. He was a wonderful person and is greatly missed. One thing that Jeff and I did when Harleyann was in the NICU for the 176 days she was there was go for a ride anywhere and just talk. We had so many talks about her, us, life, goals, what we wanted for her, but most importantly we were communicating and opening up and sharing out fears and we prayed together. I think that was God's reasoning behind choosing us to be parents of this teeny tiny miracle. Our 7th anniversary rolled around and Harleyann had been home for 2 months and we were always on the go, Dr's apts, even having to travel to Duke University in NC, our life was constantly in motion, I felt like we were never at home. That went on for a couple of years. The year we celebrated 9 yrs of marriage we bought our first house, where we still remain. The year we celebrated 12 yrs of marriage we found out that we were going to have our 2nd child. I was on bed rest and had surgery and had to have shots and was at the Dr's office all the time getting ultrasounds and checked to make sure he didn't come early, I was even in the hospital a few times because of preterm labor. The year we celebrated 13 yrs of marriage we had our son in March, at 37 wks, not without complications. This last year had sadness as we lost my dad, whom happened to be my husbands best friend. My dad loved Jeff and would do anything for him, he told me more than once that I got a good man. The last year also had a lot of joy as both Jeff and I had a major accomplishment, we graduated with our Associates Degree, we are now on our way to our Bachelor's degree. Now on the Eve of our 15th anniversary, I think about all we have been through and how far in life we have come and I wonder where our life will continue to take us. Hopefully, God will continue to bless us.
My dad was right, I do have a good man. I would not have changed anything. I like doing things our way and on our time. We have dealt with hardships and have came out the other side stronger than before and closer than ever.
I love Jeff with every fiber of my being. He is truly my best friend, my life partner, and my soul mate. I don't want to think about life without him and I hope we have many many many more years together.
To Jeff:
Here's to the next 15 years and whatever it has to offer.